Chin Surgery
Chin Surgery in Iran
Best Chin surgery clinics in Iran
More than 2500 Iranian and foreign patients are going under Chin surgery in Iran each year. Chin surgery in Iran is on top of the middle-east regarding the skilled specialists and surgeons. Here are the best hospitals for Chin surgery in Iran:
- Treata Professional Hospital
- Gandi Hospital
- Moheb Mehr Hospital
Chin surgery cost in Iran
There is a significant difference between the cost of Chin augmentation in Iran and other countries. The most important factors for its lower price in Iran are:
- A large number of Chin surgery centres in Iran
- A large number of candidates for Chin surgery in Iran
Chin augmentation cost in Iran varies depending on the surgery and the hospital. An average cost of Chin augmentation in Iran is $1000.
Chin augmentation cost in Iran in comparison with other countries
This surgery costs $4,500 in the U.S., $4,000 in Europe, $1,200 in Thailand and $1,500 in Turkey.
Best Chin surgeons in Iran
More than 24.000 plastic surgeries are being performed each year in Iran. Experienced Iranian doctors with an excellent record are performing the operations.
One of the most important factors for choosing a good surgeon for Chin augmentation in Iran is the many surgeries performed by the doctor.
Why should you travel to Iran for a Chin surgery?
Many patients travel to Iran for a Chin surgery. One of the reasons for this matter is Iranian specialists and surgeons who have high surgery success rates.
- Low cost of Chin augmentation in Iran
- Low cost of accommodation in Iran
- Well experienced doctors
- The high number of Chin augmentation in Iran
Diagnostic and surgical centres accordant with today’s European standards are performing the highest quality operations in Iran. Another reason for Chin augmentation in Iran is its lower cost compared to other countries.
How long should I stay for Chin implant in Iran?
About Chin Surgery
Chin augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that adds volume to the cheeks or lifts it and also, Chin surgery can improve and balance facial proportions. This surgery will enlarge the cheeks and balance the chin to make a person look youthful and more attractive.
There are three main factors that contribute to facial appearance; skin, soft tissues, and the underlying facial structure. Facial implants are designed to address the latter of these facial attributes by augmenting the size and shape of both the chin and cheeks. If the structure of the face lacks definition, Chin surgery can have a special effect on the overall appearance of the face. This surgery is not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes, Grave’s disease, and hypothyroidism.
Types of Chin surgery
Chin augmentation has more effects if done together, but they can be done as separated implants too. Fat grafting, implants, fillers are three different kinds of augmentation of these procedures.
- Fat grafting: in this method, the fat is harvested from some parts of the body, including belly button areas, and then it is purified and injected into the cheek area.
- Cheek implants: this method is very common. The patient will undergo general anaesthesia. The surgeon will make small incisions in the mouth and insert the implant.
- Dermal fillers: this method is a non-surgical procedure. Local anaesthetics will be used. After the numbness of the area, the surgeon will inject a filler with a very tiny
Recommended for
• Adults who want a tremendous look
Before Chin Surgery
The surgeon will take the patients’ medical history. He will also examine the face to choose the best method that is suitable for the individual. Some medicines like Aspirin, Ibuprofen and herbal supplements should be discontinued ten days before the surgery. Smoking should be stopped a few weeks prior to the procedure since cigarettes slow down the healing process. Alcohol also needs to be limited before the Chin surgery.
During Chin Surgery
Patients usually would be under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, chosen by the surgeon, during the procedure. This procedure usually lasts 1 to 3 hours. Patients need to stay at the hospital overnight or maybe discharged. They should wear loose, comfortable clothing.
The surgeon may prescribe some pain killers and antibiotics. Swelling and bruising are common for about a week after the surgery. Using cold compresses may be helpful. It is recommended to drink liquid for 24 hours after the surgery, and after that, they can start soft foods. Chewing hard foods should be avoided for about 1 to 2 weeks. Patients should not sleep on their face for about six weeks after the surgery. Stitches will be removed after a week.